
The past November 16 the regional team of Virtual Campus of Public Health, participated in a workshop in Managua for the consolidation of Nicaragua node where the Virtual Campus of Public Health presented with the country's institutions (MINSA and their diverse areas, universities, institutes of technical education and military hospitals).

It was attended by Dr. Monica Padilla, Human Resources Advisor Subregional PAHO, who presented the development experience Node VCPH El Salvador.

An exchange about successes and difficulties in the operation of nodes country.

Were visited: UNAN Managua (Faculty of Medicine) which was also attended by leaders of the Polisal (training of health technicians) and CIES (Center for Research and Health Studies UNAN).

Existing technology platforms for the operation of a node country is also defined and oriented to the creation of a technical team and a coordination team.

An initial meeting with Dr. Roger Montes, focal point of HR in Nicaragua was maintained and worked with Dr. Socorro Gross, PAHO Representative in Nicaragua, about the work carried out in 2015 to support the development of the node country.