
Inaugural Meeting Agenda

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  • Contribute to strengthening the teaching and learning of future specialists in family medicine to meet the needs of the Universal Health Coverage (CUS) and Primary Health Care (PHC).


  • Share experiences of good practice in the training of specialists in Family Medicine through the modality of medical residencies.
  • Present the progress and evaluation of Family Medicine achieved in recent years in the context of health reforms aiming at the CUS and installation service networks based PHC.
  • Build a community of innovative practices on policies and training of specialists in family medicine, using the platform of the Observatory of Human Resources in Health.


  • The Dialogue will be held in three sessions:
    • Before the interactive session, the portal of the Centre and the link "Virtual Dialogue on the training of specialists in Family Medicine under the Universal Health Coverage", the different videos and presentations of various specialists in Family Medicine encuentrarán from different countries. It is recommended that prior to July 17, interested participants can watch these videos and have on hand the questions and doubts to expose the 17th in the interactive session.
    • a synchronous session, the 17th, via Blackboard, where everyone can express their opinions verbally after presentations from experts from countries, which will last two hours. For this session should have dropped all their computers in the JAVA program
    • other asynchronously via a "written forum" with a duration of one week, where participants can communicate in writing following topics on the debate.

Agenda Opening: Thursday July 17, 2013 (GMT WDC)

10:00 a.m. Welcoming remarks, introduction to the subject and explaining the dynamics: Dr. Rosa Maria Borrell, PAHO
10:10am Words from Dr. Maria Ines Padula, president of the Latin American Confederation of Family Medicine (ICPM)
Spain: Dr. Sergio Minue
10:35 a.m. Uruguay: Dr. Jacqueline Ponzo
10:50 a.m. Brazil: Dr. Thiago Trinidad
11:05 a.m. USA: Dr. Viviana Martinez-Bianchi
11:20 a.m. Peru: Dr. Sofia Cuba
11:35 a.m. Mexico: Dr. Miguel Angel Fernandez
11:50 a.m. Argentina: Dr. Fernando Cappolillo
12:05 m. Reflections on the presentations: Dr. Jose Francisco Garcia
12:15 m. Questions and discussion: Dr. Rosa Maria Borrell

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Dr. Rosa María Borrell (PAHO/WHO)