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PAHO presents the new Webinar Series on the renewed Essential Public Health Functions

The Pan American Health Organization presents the new Webinar Series on the renewed Essential Public Health Functions (EPHF), which is a fundamental part of the process being carried out by PAHO to strengthen the stewardship role of the country's health authorities and the areas involved with the exercise of the EPHF, involving the greatest number of actors and sectors, guaranteeing an intersectoral, broad and pluralistic perspective. 

The first webinar in the series will be held in April with the aim of presenting the training strategy developed by PAHO to strengthen institutional capacities. On this occasion, PAHO will launch the first virtual self-learning course for the general public, titled "Introduction to the renewed Essential Public Health Functions (EPHF): Foundations, conceptual framework and evaluation methodology", which will be available on PAHO's Virtual Campus for Public Health

Launched in 2021, the EPHF webinar series, throughout 7 events, has provided a space for discussion with experts and representatives of all sectors involved, about the experiences of strengthening the EPHFs in the Region of the Americas, generating a space for reflection and debate with the presence of 5,000 participants from 68 countries and where the experiences of more than 40 specialists from various organizations and sectors were shared. 

For 2022, it is proposed to continue with this new paradigm by making the essential public health functions (EPHF) the core of the agenda for strengthening the health sector in the Region of the Americas by promoting policy options to strengthen health systems that recognize and prioritize public health actions. 

The 2021 EPHF webinar series is available here.