
During the III Regional Network Workshop Open Educational Resources (OER) VCPH/VHL from 3 to August 5, 2012 in São Paulo, Brazil, was established as one of the main recommendations form three working groups on different development issues and operation of repositories country nodes.

General policy group aims to "develop a comprehensive policy OER Regional Network VCPH/BIREME/VHL for the development and use of educational resources and repositories of nodes".

The second group, Capacity, seeks to "strengthen the network of repositories responsible for OER Network at participating institutions, reaching tools and knowledge to improve educational resources, through training, training of multipliers, etc.."

Finally, the methodology group bibliographic description of OER has to "review the current metadata and evaluate the accuracy of certain areas."

To accomplish this, we are taking various mechanisms of communication and collaboration tools such as wiki, work sessions Collaborate / Blackboard (web conference), mailing lists to Google Groups, among others.

We appreciate the interest and effort of the participants in the working groups, and hope to have results and products in a short term.

Biblioteca Virtual en Salud