10:00 - 11:30 (ET)

As the deadline for reporting global commitments to the upcoming World Health Assembly (WHA) approaches, it becomes crucial to support countries in completing the 2024 National Reporting Instrument (NRI). This marks the fifth round of reports on the Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel (WHA63.16).
The Code of Practice has a global scope and serves as a guide for Member States, working in collaboration with stakeholders such as health personnel, recruiters, employers, health professional organizations, and relevant subregional, regional, and global organizations from both the public and private sectors. This includes non-governmental organizations and individuals interested in the international recruitment of health personnel. The Code outlines ethical principles for the international recruitment of health personnel in a manner that strengthens the health systems of developing countries, countries with economies in transition, and small island states.

Earlier this year, the World Health Organization (WHO) provided the Designated National Authorities (DNA) of the Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel (WHA57.19) with information on the fifth round of national reports. These reports are to be presented to the Executive Board (EB156) in January 2025 in preparation for the 78th World Health Assembly. Additionally, a webinar was held in April to offer guidance and assistance for this year's reporting process.

To ensure adequate preparation and compilation of information from the National Reporting Instruments (NRI), which is a country-based self-assessment tool for information sharing and monitoring of the Code, the deadline for Member States to submit their reports for this round is set for 31 August 2024.

Objetivo(s) del evento

To provide information and facilitate interaction with PAHO, WHO, and your country's designated focal points to help navigate the complexities of the NRI, ensuring fulfillment of this commitment for the upcoming World Health Assembly.

Síntesis de los temas
  • Regional situation on the Code of Practice
  • Information and processes for the 5th NRI Round
Disertantes. Breve síntesis curricular
  • Moderator: Isabel Duré, International Consultant, PAHO/WHO
  • Logistics Support: Bruna Moreno, International Consultant, PAHO/WHO
  • Yohana Díaz de Valle, Advisor, Human Resources for Health Governance and Management, PAHO/WHO
  • Gisele Almeida, Coordinator of the Evidence and Information Team on Human Resources for Health, PAHO/WHO
  • Agya Mahat , WHO
  • Ana Paula Cavalcante and Mariana Lopes Galante - International Consultants, PAHO/WHO
Palabras claves
Human Resources for Health; Evidence and information in human resources for health
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