Between 17 and 20 May, took place in Medellin, Colombia, an exchange with various universities in Colombia, with interests and developments in the field of e-learning in health and in the future can be integrated into the  Colombia VCPH Node.
With an enrollment of 82 students, began on May 16, the second version of the Diploma in Health and Local Development. This course aims, to strengthen the link between health and local development to improve health situation and quality of life of citizens through the development of competence to act on inequality, reducing exclusion and achieve full access to the right to health.
After a joint effort by the team of the National School of Public Health Sergio Arouca ( NSPH / Fiocruz) and BIREME, we were able to conclude the process of interoperability for a complete collection of educational resources available on the NSPH repository, integrating them into Brazilian node of the Virtual Campus of Public Health (VCPH).
From 29 April to 8 May, the Leaders in International Health Program ‘Edmundo Granda Ugalde’ (LIHP) 2010 conducted a series of virtual and interactive activities in relation to its second educational module in the cities of Havana, Cuba and Panama City, Panama.
WASHINGTON, DC (April 30, 2010) – Nominations are being accepted online now at http://www.pahef.org/awards/nominations for the 2010 Awards for Excellence in Inter-American Public Health, a joint program
In order to promote the development of the renewal of Primary Care in the Region of the Americas by strengthening the capacities of leaders and managers of health, was launched on 29 April 2010, the third version virtual course "Development capabilities for the renewal of PHC".
On April 15, 2010 began the third version of the Course Tutors Learning Network. This course will last 12 weeks, during which time it is estimated that participants will put into the course an average of 6 hours per week flexible schedules and distributed according to their capabilities.
In order to improve and bring new ideas to work in the Virtual Campus of Public Health (VCPH), took place between March 24 and  28, several meetings and exchanges with Human Resources teams, KMR and   other areas consultants of the headquarters of PAHO / WHO in Washington DC that have launched or planned educational processes in the CVSP.
