On 20 July, was held the 4th meeting of the Technical Team of the VCPH Nodes of Countries of the year 2010. The meeting was held in the Elluminate room, this room has been designed for the exchange of work of the Technical Team and is in the classroom of the Virtual Campus of Public Health (VCPH).
On July 15 began the first version of the Virtual Course for Trainers of Physicians with a focus on Primary Health Care
The First Virtual Course "Leadership in Human Resources  for Health " developed since the space created for Argentina in the Virtual Classroom for countries of the region, began on 14 June.
On June 14 began the 1st Virtual Course "Management of Palliative Care Programs" and is being developed from the space created for Panama in the Virtual Campus of Public Health (VCPH) Classroom to countries of the Region.
Medical Careers and Residential Health During the months of August and October, two seminars will held for upgrade of human resources in health.
Between 6 and 10 June, was performed a visit to Peru, where various activities were developed to analyze the current situation and development prospects of the Node of Virtual Campus of Public Health (VCPH) Peru.
On June 3, started the Virtual Course IV: Leadership of Human Resources for Health.The course has an enrollment of 72 students seeking further information and the basis for reflection, generating new strategies of action for the transformation of the problems.
On June 2 took place in ARG FLACSO a meeting of the VCPH Argentina Node, attended by representatives of major health institutions in the country.
The virtual course management and health and safety of health workers, began on May 20 in its second version in the classroom of the Virtual Campus of Public Health (CVSP). This course is aimed at managers that are responsible for policy development, program planning and implementation in health systems and services.
