Began on June 21 VCPH the Regional Workshop in the city of Panama, with the presence of the Webmaster Nodes countries of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru and Paraguay, and the regional technical team VCPH, chaired b
Salvador, June 13, 2011. The Minister of Health, Dr. María Isabel Rodríguez, Dr.
On June 14, 2011 we launched the Node of the Virtual Campus of Public Health in Uruguay, attended by officials from the Ministry of Health, the Pan American Health Organization, the University of the Republic, the Social Security Bank among others.
From 7 to 10 June 2011 held in Cartagena, Colombia the workshop on education in health sciences at the primary health care and textbooks aimed to propose and discuss political and technical guidelines renewal, tr
We welcome you to the Virtual Course V: Leading Human Resources for Health. On June 3 Getting started in CVSP course with a duration of 2 weeks (20 hours). You start a training experience in the field of Human Resources for Health, through the potentials and possibilities offered by virtual learning environments.
On May 12, began Familiarization Program Virtual Training Course for Trainers of Physicians with a focus on Primary Health Care, which aims to support the processes of change in medical schools and health services involved in the APS renewed development, strengthening teacher training. This course will last for 128 hours and be awarded a certificate of course approval by the OPS.
As part of the bicentennial of the independence of Paraguay was officially launched Node Virtual Campus of Public Health and subsequently developed a training workshop CVSP tools to team members of the institutions to take charge of interoperating Node Network with Paragua
This May 16 to strengthen the link between health and development, the OPS provides the third version of the Diploma in Health and Local Development.
The Leaders in International Health Program “Edmundo Granda Ugalde” (LIHP) 2011 held a week-long onsite meeting from 2-6 May, 2011 at the Centro Interamericano de Estudios de Seguridad Social (CIESS) in Mexico City, Mexico.
On Tuesday May 3, was made official launch ceremony of the VCPH Paraguay Node, with the presence of officials of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare (MPSyBS), SE the Minister, Dr. Esperanza Martinez, Prof. Jose Maria Massolo, National Director and Dr.
