The Virtual Campus for Public Health of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) releases the Spanish Virtual Course "Prevention Measures and Cholera Treatment" (Curso Virtual “Medidas de Contención y Manejo Correcto del Cólera”).  This course has been prepared by the Secretariat of Health of Mexico and kindly shared for publication through the Virtual Classroom.
The AUDIT-SBI Virtual Course (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test - Screening and Brief Intervention) is now available as a Self-Learning course in the Virtual Classroom.  This course consists of 5 Modules and you are free to self-enroll and access all the resources:
On 10 June, the Director met with Hubert Humphrey Fellows to bid them farewell at the conclusion of their two-month ‘professional affiliation’ experience at PAHO, a key component of their 10-month leadership training in the United States.
The U.S. company Docebo (dedicated to providing E-learning services) published in March of this year a study that suggests that it is estimated that $51 billion will be invested in 2016 in e-learning worldwide. Although this study is intended largely to investors, the information provided is interesting.
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Panama, supporting the initiative of the Educational Virtual Clinic of Virtual Campus for Public Health, called the specialist and health professionals who participated in the pilot project . The event was chaired by Dr. Zelibeth Valverde, Director of Planning, Ministry of Health and Dr. Gaspar Da Costa, an expert in psychiatry and project manager in the Educational Virtual Clinic.
