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Very successful can be assessed by the development of MoodleHealth 2011 held in Havana, Cuba, on days 8.9 and 10 February.
The School of the Americas (COLAM) and the Inter-American Organization (OUI-IOHE), call for the Summer University on "Governance, Leadership and Public Policy" which addresses four areas:
1) Social Determinants of Health
2) Gender
3) Indigenous people and
4) Information Society and Knowledge.
The National School of Public Health at
Broadcast news article on New technologies
How to promote the use of social media in education and training and adult education systems in Europe. Practical example of the European project SVEA
Throughout 2010 the team of Virtual Campus of Public Health (VCPH), both at regional and country nodes, along with tutors and coordinators of the different courses, developed a hard work to improve the services, products and different methodological and technological tools provided by the Virtual Campus.
To ensure the updating of Virtual Campus of Public Health classroom (VCPH) during the year 2011, will be performed ,in the month of January, the maintenance work required by the system.
Debido a esta situación es posible que en algunos momentos el acceso al Aula Virtual se encuentre temporalmente limitado, lo cual esperamos restablecer lo antes posible.
Over 22th and 23th December, 2010, was developed in Havana, Cuba, the Sixth Regional Workshop of Virtual Campus of Public Health, Node Cuba :"Assessment of Experiences. " This event took place in classrooms and laboratories of the National School of Public Health (ENSAP) of Cuba and was chaired by Dr. J Baudilio Jardines Méndez, Coordinator of the Virtual Campus of Public Health (VCPH) and DRCs.
On December 2, in the City of Managua, Nicaragua, after the close of the Military Medical Conference, Dr. Jose B.