Доступні курси

Финансирование здравоохранения (self-paced)

This course aims to improve understanding of health financing policy, and how it can support progress towards universal health coverage (UHC). Based on WHO’s health systems framework, the different functions of health financing policy, namely revenue raising, pooling, purchasing, and benefit package design, are each discussed in detail with extensive country illustrations.

Self-paced (approximately 6 hours of course time)

Advanced course on health financing for UHC - 2024

Health financing is a core function of all health systems and can enable progress towards universal health coverage (UHC) by improving effective service coverage and financial protection. Since 2013 the WHO Health Financing Team in Geneva has held an advanced face-to-face course on health financing for UHC for low- and middle-income countries; the course complements WHO’s e-Learning Course on Health Financing Policy for UHC. This is the 10th iteration of the course, and the fourth delivered as a fully facilitated, online course.

Facilitated course (approximately 25 hours of course time)

This course is only available to participants selected by the course coordination.

Health Financing Policy for Universal Health Coverage (self-paced)

This course aims to improve understanding of health financing policy, and how it can support progress towards universal health coverage (UHC). Based on WHO’s health systems framework, the different functions of health financing policy, namely revenue raising, pooling, purchasing, and benefit package design, are each discussed in detail with extensive country illustrations.

Self-paced (approximately 6 hours of course time)

Health Financing Policy for Universal Health Coverage (Ukrainian version) - 2024 (self-paced)

Цей курс має на меті покращити розуміння політики фінансування охорони здоров'я та того, як вона може підтримати прогрес на шляху до універсального охоплення послугами охорони здоров'я (UHC). На основі концепції систем охорони здоров'я ВООЗ детально розглядаються різні функції політики фінансування охорони здоров'я, а саме: збір ресурсів, пулінг (об'єднання коштів), закупівлі медичних послуг та розробка медичних гарантій, кожна з яких детально обговорюється та ілюстується на прикладі конкретних країн.

Самостійне вивчення (приблизно 6 годин навчального часу)

Politique de Financement de la Santé pour la Couverture Santé Universelle (self-paced)

Ce cours a pour objectif d’améliorer la compréhension de la politique de financement de la santé, et de comment celle-ci peut soutenir les progrès pour la CSU. Basées sur le cadre de l’oms concernant les systèmes de financement, les différentes fonctions de la politique de financement de la santé, à savoir, la collecte des revenus, la mise en commun, l’achat, et la définition du paquet de services, sont chacune discutées en détail avec de vastes illustrations pays.

Cours d'auto-apprentissage.

Le module est ouvert et disponible dans le VCPH, et est conçu pour durer jusqu'à 6 heures.

Public Financial Management

This module will look at some of the issues surrounding Public Financial Management (PFM) and explore how PFM can provide a supportive environment for health financing reform toward universal health coverage.

Self-paced (approximately 1 hour of course time)

Cross-Programmatic Efficiency Analysis - English version - 2021 (Ext 2023)

This module on Cross-Programmatic Efficiency Analysis (CPEA) will provide you with an approach to analysing efficiency across health programmes within a health system. Through analysing health programmes based on their common health system functions, you can see how they interact with one another and the overall system, and where inefficiencies can be identified.

Self-paced (approximately 1 hour of course time)

L'analyse de l'efficience inter-programmatique - version française

Ce module sur l'analyse de l'efficiences inter-programmatiques (CPEA) vous fournira une approche pour analyser l'efficacité des programmes de santé en utilisant une perspective à l'échelle du système. En analysant les programmes de santé en fonction de leurs fonctions communes au système de santé, vous pouvez voir comment ils interagissent les uns avec les autres et avec le système dans son ensemble, et où les inefficiences peuvent être identifiées.

Cours d'auto-apprentissage.

Le module est ouvert et disponible dans le VCPH, et est conçu pour durer jusqu'à 1 heure.

WHO Training for Cross-Programmatic Efficiency Analysis Experts – 2022

WHO Training for Cross-Programmatic Efficiency Analysis Experts – 2022

This virtual training will support the systematic implementation of the Cross-Programmatic Efficiency Analysis, including adaptations to embed the analysis with ongoing processes, by building capacity across a set of health financing and system experts. It will follow the process laid out in the Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting a Cross-Programmatic Efficiency Analysis.
Facilitated course (approximately 20 hours of course time)

WHO Training for Health Financing Assessment Experts – 2021

WHO Training for Health Financing Assessment Experts - 2021
This virtual training will support the systematic implementation of two diagnostic assessments:  1) the Health Financing Progress Matrix; and 2) the Cross-Programmatic Efficiency Analysis by building capacity across a set of health financing and system experts. This tailored training course will focus on content, process, and implementation of these two assessments.

Facilitated course (approximately 20 hours of course time)