
The Argentina VCPH Node informs that inscription is opened for the Course of Patient Rights Law. With this course, students will have the opportunity to learn about the law that determines which 26,529 are the essential rights of the patient and what the obligations of the professional health team and what to consider your company or health institution.
Entry deadline: April 30 | Quota: 25 students | Starts: May 5 | Offer: distance
More information and Registration

How and where the course is taught?
The course is held virtually in the Virtual Campus for Public Health dependent on the Pan American Health Organization (

Who is this course?
It is aimed at providers Medical Diagnosis and Treatment  Professional, Technical, Administrative and Personal Care Contact linked to individuals and / or management regarding the same medical information.

How is the course organized?
The course consists of 8 units or modules.

The reporting schedule below, students have the dates on which each module is active (this means that it is visible) from the platform. Each new unit is added to the preceding, so that students can continue to consult the above classes according to their needs.

Students will find activities to do through participation in the Forum, also can exchange ideas, questions and opinions with peers.

How is the course approved?
To pass the course you must complete the activation of all units and participation in the forum.
Cadets who have completed all receive the certificate.

How to proceed if you have doubts?
During the course, students can and should make inquiries through the platform.
If doubts are related to the content of the modules or activities, you can raise it in forum or send a message to the teacher, who will monitor the progress in regard to the topics.
For pedagogical and organizational advice to the specific issues responsible for these issues.


Professor: Dr. Javier Vilosio
Teaching Advice: Susana Gutsztat


Unit 1: Introductory concepts. (Monday, May 5)
Unit 2: Concepts and background. (Monday, May 12)
Unit 3: Essential Rights. (Monday, May 19)
Unit 4: Other related laws. (Monday, May 26)
Unit 5: Health information. (Monday, June 2)
Unit 6: Informed consent. (Monday, June 9)
Unit 7: The clinical history. (Monday, June 16)
Unit 8: Rules of the Law. (Monday, June 23)