In Quito, the December 11, 2013 the closing ceremony of the Virtual Course Capacity Development for the renewal of primary health care and implementation of Model of Integrated Health Care, Family and Community was performed. In this course over a hundred professional first level of health care from the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador were formed and the pair were trained in virtual tutoring 15 university teachers.
This online course was developed under the auspices of PAHO Canada-CIDA Project and can be regarded as a pioneer in Ecuador but has been preceded by five versions of the course which countries offer the PAHO Regional level. This course is associated conceptually different chapters of the Model of Integrated Health Care, Family and Community. This Ecuadorian course consists of 6 modules, in addition to baseline. Each module contains core and supplemental readings in which those specifically related to PHC and the MIAS-conjugated CRF. Otherwise follow the validated scheme online courses that are offered through the Virtual Campus of Public Health.
The online course was developed from Ecuador Node Virtual Campus of Public Health, whose administration is the responsibility of the National Directorate of Standardization of Human Talent MSP and was coordinated by Drs. Maria Elena Lopez and Sandra Fraifer.
The 15 tutors were trained at the University Institute for Educational Training of the Central University of Ecuador in the management of the virtual platform, most are doctors, but also nurses along with a dentist and a clinical psychologist, ie it is an interdisciplinary team from universities: National Loja, Ecuador Central, Azuay, San Francisco de Quito and Cuenca.
Course participants also come from different health professions, including doctors treating secondary hospitals, family doctors working in the primary care level, nurses, dentists, psychologists and nursing assistants. Trained group works mainly in Cuenca, but participants Atuntaqui, Cayambe, Cotacachi, Ibarra, Otavalo, Quito, Tabacundo, Advertise, Biblian, Sucua, Lago Agrio, Johannesburg, and Nueva Loja Loja.
The course ran from late July through early December on 109 professionals (70% of graduates) formed on PHC-MAIS -FCI, each with an intervention project that must be followed closely by the authorities of the Ministry for implementation .
After completing the course, an evaluation workshop with tutors, and staff coordinator of PAHO / WHO and featured participants / as who joined the workshop on the second day of the same, for the evaluation of content is made. The closing ceremony of the workshop was opened by Dr. Osvaldo Salgado, Assistant Secretary for Health Service Delivery on behalf of the Minister of Health Miss Ecuador.
The welcoming remarks, gave Dr. Roberto Montoya, Representative ai of PAHO / WHO in Ecuador, followed by Dr. Carlos Rosales, General Coordinator of Regional Virtual Course speaking virtual training PHC under universal coverage health . Subsequently intervened Dr. Jose Jardines, Regional Coordinator of Virtual Campus of Public Health who presented Universal access and quality of health services from the current perspective of the social determinants of health and the use of ICT in the Virtual Campus of Public Health. Then Dr. Fraifer intervened with an exposition of the development overlooking the virtual course and lessons learned. Also involved in this ceremony a tutor and a prominent participant in the course, commenting experience. Finally, Dr. Salgado emphasized on the contribution of virtual training for MOH health staff as a contribution to the Reformation and its re- structure. Explicitly allowed the importance of strengthening the virtual training for all staff and in areas where required.
The event concluded with the presentation of certificates by senior officials of the Ministry and mainly Deans of Medicine and Health Sciences Faculties of which came most virtual tutors and PAHO / WHO in Ecuador, the Representative ai and the Coordinator of Health Systems and Services.
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