
31 July, 2020

ECLAC and PAHO: Controlling the pandemic requires convergence and coordination between health, economic, social and productive policies

A new joint report by ECLAC and PAHO reveals that economies of the Region will only be reactivated if the curve of contagion of the COVID-19 pandemic is flattened.
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Stay informed on COVID-19

Check-out all the information available on COVID-19 in PAHO´s website: number of cases reported in the Americas, technical guidelines, epidemiological alerts, guidance and research in the Americas, infographics, and social media cards.
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New Annual Report of the PAHO Strategic Fund

The 2019 Annual Report of the PAHO Strategic Fund details the progress made possible through close technical cooperation with Member States. The Strategic Fund has negotiated long-term agreements for WHO-prequalified HIV/AIDS and cancer treatments at substantially reduced prices, spearheaded a joint initiative for cardiovascular diseases, and strengthened in-country capacity-building for demand forecasting and inventory management.

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PAHO, COICA and other indigenous groups seek to reduce the impact of COVID-19 on Amazonian peoples

PAHO called to “strengthen health care services in the Amazon through the provision of human resources, supplies and medical devices, including tests, as well as through treatments and vaccines when they are available,” with particular emphasis on populations living in voluntary isolation. Dr. Jarbas Barbosa, PAHO's Assistant Director, highligthed the need to consider the implications of traditional medicine in the context of the pandemic.
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The Central American Mechanism for the Joint Evaluation of Medicines begins to receive dossiers for product registrations in the region

The Central American Mechanism for the Joint Evaluation of Medicines announced it is now open to receive dossiers from companies wanting to register products in Central America, as of August 1, 2020.
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PAHO launches the publication on Fiscal Space for Health in Latin America and the Caribbean in English

The publication compiles and systematizes works done by PAHO between 2015 and 2018, including a regional analysis of 13 countries conducted by the University of Rosario in Argentina; the results of the Universal Health Regional Forum: An indispensable investment for sustainable human development, carried out in Washington D.C.; and contributions of in-depth studies that PAHO developed for Bolivia, Honduras, and Peru.
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South American countries share experiences on the response to COVID-19 from Human Resources for Health

Representatives from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and Uruguay presented the strategies implemented in the area of Human Resources for Health to address the COVID-19 pandemic in a virtual meeting organized by PAHO's Subregional Program for South America, on July 24, 2020. [Available in Spanish]
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