
I Feria Mundial de Municipios y Salud: Derecho, Ciudadanía y Gestión Local Integrada para el DesarrolloArgentina will host the "I World Fair on Municipalities and Health: Rights, Citizenship and  Integrated Local Management for Development", which takes place during days 18 to August 21 at Centro Costa Salguero, Buenos Aires.

Authorities and experts from many countries will attend the meeting organized by the Ministry of Health of Argentina, supported by the Pan American Health Organization and World Health Organization (PAHO / WHO). The said activity aims to present strategies for governments, international agencies, civil society organizations, private sector and academic institutions for the management of local public policies that guarantee the full exercise of the right to health.

This event is planned for the simultaneous translation in English and Spanish.

The event is aimed at municipal officials, provincial, national, global, health workers, NGOs, universities, scientific associations, representatives of health ministries and other ministries of the world, networks of healthy municipalities, school networks health, international agencies, etc.