Self-Learning Course to develop Sanitation Safety Plans - SSP - 2023 |
Verify Certificate |
Scientific Methodology and Strategies for the Dissemination of Knowledge for Nurses - 2024 |
Verify Certificate |
SAFER initiative: cost-effective policies to reduce alcohol problems |
Verify Certificate |
Risk-based Strategies for Poliovirus Containment in Facilities - 2023 |
Verify Certificate |
Risk Communications and Community Engagement in Health Emergencies - 2024 |
Verify Certificate |
Respectful Maternity and Newborn Care - English version - 2021 (Ext 2024) |
Verify Certificate |
Regulatory System Strengthening for Pharmaceuticals in Small States. An Introduction (2022) |
Verify Certificate |
Regulatory Policies to Prevent Obesity and Diet-related Noncommunicable Diseases |
Verify Certificate |
Public Health Leadership: Leading the health sector during COVID-19 and beyond - 2020 |
Verify Certificate |
Psychologische Eerste Hulp (PEH) bij rampenbeheersing in het Caribisch Gebied. Tweede Editie. |
Verify Certificate |
Psychological First Aid (PFA) in disaster management in the Caribbean - Second Edition - 2020 |
Verify Certificate |
Protection and promotion of human rights in mental health and psychosocial support in emergencies - English version (2022) |
Verify Certificate |
Program to Strengthen Cooperation for Health Development |
Verify Certificate |
Productive Management Methodology for Heath services (2015) |
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Preventing Self-harm/Suicide: Empowering PHC providers |
Verify Certificate |
Preventie van Zelfbeschadiging/Suïcide: Versterking van Eerstelijnszorgverleners |
Verify Certificate |
Prevent and Respond to Violence Against Women in the Caribbean - 2024 |
Verify Certificate |
Practice area for Tutors (Virtual course for Tutors- 2014) |
Verify Certificate |
Planning and Development of the Social Marketing Program for Public Health (2022-2023 Edition) |
Verify Certificate |
Planning and Development of the Social Marketing Program for Public Health - 2024 (self-paced) |
Verify Certificate |
Oral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) of HIV infection - eLearning tool for clinicians - 2021 |
Verify Certificate |
On-line Training on Tobacco Cessation for Caribbean Countries - course with tutors - 2021 |
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Nursing Leadership: Strengthening Management of Nursing Practice in the Caribbean |
Verify Certificate |
Mpox and the 2022-2023 global outbreak |
Verify Certificate |
Modelo de Acción Integral Territorial - MAITE - Colombia - 2019 |
Verify Certificate |