
MEDICC Review es la primera revista arbitrada en idioma inglés que publica artículos originales sobre investigaciones médicas, salud poblacional y la política y práctica de la salud en Cuba. La revista contiene además investigaciones internacionales y escritos sobre temas relacionados con la equidad en salud.



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La Salud Trasciende Fronteras


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Tabla de Contenidos Octubre 2015 (Vol 17, No 4)



Migration: Wall to Wall?


Reflections on Cuban Migration
Antonio Aja PhD, University of Havana’s Center for Demographic Studies

Gail Reed MS

Original Research

Outcomes among Asylum Seekers in Atlanta, Georgia, 2003–2012

Dabney P. Evans PhD MPH, et al.

Environmental, Nutrition and Health Issues in a US Refugee Resettlement Community

Lauren Sastre MS and Lauren Haldeman PhD

HIV-1 Genetic Variability in Cuba and Implications for Transmission

and Clinical Progression

Madeline Blanco PhD, et al.

Safety and Immunogenicity of Cuban Antipneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine PCV7-TT in Healthy Adults

Nadezhda González MD MS, et al.

Early Signs of Atherogenesis in Adolescents in a Havana Family Medicine Catchment Area

Wendy Valdés MD, et al.

Lessons from the Field

A Woman-centered Educational Program for Primary Prevention of Lung Cancer in a Cuban Municipality, 2012–2013

Abel Cruz MS, et al.


The Debate in Cuba’s Scientific Community on Sudden Cardiac Death

Ernesto Vilches MD MS, et al.


Immigration and Population in Canada: A Dependent Relationship Case Study of Cuban Immigration (Novedades en Población)

Ivis Gutiérrez MS PhD


When Politics Trumps Health: Undocumented Latino Immigrants and US Health Care

Alexander N. Ortega PhD

Under the Cover of Night: Abortion Across Borders

Carmen Landau MD and Lisa Long BS


Cuban Research in Current International Journals



Facts & Figures

Cuba’s Report on the UN’s 2015 Resolution Against the US Embargo

Health of Hispanic/Latino Immigrants in the USA

About the Contributors

About the Contributors