Tuesday, December 12, 2023
10:00 - 11:30 (EST)

The webinar "Invest, Innovate and Implement Primary Health Care (PHC) to Achieve Universal Health" is the last meeting in the series of virtual seminars on Primary Health Care and is part of the celebration of Universal Health Day.

Date: Tuesday, 12 December 2023

Time: 10:00 - 11:30 (EST)

Objectives of the event: 

This event will explore existing challenges and collaborative actions essential to promote the expansion of PHC in the region. Additionally, it will focus on strategies to achieve more effective investment, foster innovation, improve implementation and conduct more robust evaluations in the field of PHC. The opportunities that arise with the digital transformation of the health sector will be highlighted, especially to strengthen the first level of care and meet the objective of leaving no one behind.

Speakers. Brief curricular summary: 





10:00 AM

Introduction, Virtual Seminar Moderator

Jonas Gonseth-Garcia, Advisor on Quality in Health Systems and Services

Primary Health Care and Integrated Service Delivery


10:05 AM

Commemoration of Universal Health Day, Welcome Remarks

James Fitzgerald, Director, Department of Health Systems and Services, PAHO/WHO

10:15 AM

Public Investment in PHC: Mobilizing and Efficiently Managing Resources Equitably

Claudia Pescetto, Regional Advisor on Health Economics and Financing

Juan Pablo Pagano, Specialist in Health Economics and Financing

10:30 AM

Digital Health: Innovation in PHC and Requirements for Ensuring Effective Access

Marcelo D’Agostino, Unit Chief, Information Systems and Digital Health

10:45 AM

Territorial and Social Equity in the Implementation of Primary Health Care

Ernesto Báscolo, Unit Chief, Primary Health Care and Integrated Service Delivery

11:00 AM

Monitoring and Evaluation of Primary Health Care


Launch of the Dashboard of Indicators for Primary Health Care-Based Health Systems

Natalia Houghton, Specialist, Analysis, Monitoring, and Evaluation of Health Systems

Unit of Primary Health Care and Integrated Service Delivery, PAHO/WHO

11:20 AM

Q&A Session

Jonas Gonseth-Garcia, Advisor on Quality in Health Systems and Services

Primary Health Care and Integrated Service Delivery

11:30 AM


Invest, Innovate, Implement Primary Health Care (PHC) , Achieve Universal Health